
Handspinning Cashmere

(867) 393-GOAT
P.O. Box 20228
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 7A2

Simone spinninghand spinning

Tom spins on an Ashford Traditional wheel while I tend to use the Lendrum single-treadle wheel. The Canadian made Lendrum is a little more portable - handy for spinning on market day.

It is quite magical still to watch the loose pile of fluff become a strong thread and yarn. And if you want to get totally hooked on all the cool stuff there is to know about fibres, spend a few years studying with the Master Spinner program at Olds College. You'll be glad you did.


It does sometimes get a little wild when the fibre starts taking over the whole house. But who wouldn't want to be surrounded by beautiful fleece?


Tom - spinning

We have cashmere roving prepared by Twisted Sisters Mill in Rolly View, Alberta. Tom is spinning commercially dyed top to the amazement of many young market-goers.

It would be wonderful to have a mill closer to home. Tom prepared a fibre processing feasibility report for the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food council in June of 2007.

Kids (and adults too) are fascinated by the process of turning roving into yarn.

Custom Spinning is available for fibre from your favourite pet or for any other fibre. I'll prepare and spin 20 yards of samples of various weights of single and 2-ply yarn (washed, picked, carded, and spun) for $20. If you like it and want more, the cost is $0.20/yard.


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© Simone Rudge 2014