
Wild Crafting

(867) 393-GOAT
P.O. Box 20228
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 7A2





Every one of our preserves has at least one ingredient that is truly local. These could be Saskatoons from a fruit orchard on the Yukon River, mountain blueberries picked along the old Chilkoot Trail, lingonberries (wild cranberries) gathered for an hour or so each evening on the way home from town, or rhubarb harvested fresh from a Yukon garden. Then, we use organic cane sugar and as many other organic or local ingredients as possible to turn them into delicious, one-of-a-kind preserves. We keep the percentage of sugar low so that the taste of the fruit really comes through.

We have recently been experimenting with several flavours of mustard. The original sweet Fireweed Mustard has been joined by a mild Dandelion Mustard and a perky Rhubarb Mustard. Give them a try!

You can find our preserves at many local shops including Bean North Coffee on the Hot Springs Road and the Yukon Made Store in Shipyards Park. And now, you can also order as part of your regular grocery order from Potluck Coop.


Yarrow Jelly   Rhubarb Marmalade   Fireweed Jelly   Chokecherry Jelly   Dandelion Jelly   Rhubarb Saskatoon

Dandelion Mustard   Rhubarb Mustard   Fireweed Mustard

Be aware that because the ingredients are only available seasonally, so too are many of the preserves. Enjoy the pleasure found by eating seasonally ;-)

Organic Growers   Fireweed Market   Book Reviews   Yukon Farm Products    Mobile Abattoir

© Simone Rudge 2014